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让我们来恋爱 之一

2009/6/21 20:57 作者:童姥 点击:1510 评论:0 条 【
Falling in love was great. Dating was a blast. What happened?恋爱令人愉悦,约会满溢欢乐。后来怎么样了?

How do you get that excitement back into your relationship? 怎样才能将激动的心情保持在你们的感情当中?

Simple…while you were dating, you were learning more about each other, experiencing new things together, and having a lot of fun! 这容易……约会就是相互了解,共同体验新鲜事物,做很多有趣的事情!

You have got to make time to have fun with each other to be happy in love. 你得创造属于恋人们的欢乐时光。

Busy schedules can take up a lot of time and energy, but investing in your relationship needs to be at the top of your priority list. 繁忙的形成有时会占用很多时间和精力,但把时间投入感情这件事儿必须排在你优选列表的最顶端。

One way to bring the energy back into your relationship is to take a class together. 将热情带回感情中的一个方法,就是一起去上课。

Choose something you are both interested in.选择你们都感兴趣的课程。

There are classes for every kind of person, and they are usually scheduled to fit in with any lifestyle. 有无数的课程适合每种人,而且课程的时间表可以符合任何生活方式,

They could be one-time seminars, weekend workshops, or more in-depth classes dedicated to a certain a skill or profession. 从单次的研讨会、周末讲习班,到致力于掌握某项技术或专业的高级课程。

You could attend one as a date night, a weekend getaway, or make it a regular thing you do together. 你们可以加入一个课程当作约会、周末假日,或者让它成为你们的生活习惯。

Classes can be fun, educational, and even sexy! 这些课程有时很有趣,很有教育意义,甚至很性感!

Taking a class together is a great way to gain a new insight into each other’s personality, and reconnect as people, friends, and lovers, all while having fun! 一起上课,这个绝妙的主意能让彼此重新认识对方,再度经历一次从陌生人到朋友再到恋人的体验,充满乐趣!


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